How To Play

How To Play

Mr. Drill can be played with both game buttons (supports multi-touch) or with the keyboard. 

To begin the game, press the power button to turn on the device.

Press and hold the A button  (the "z" key on the keyboard) to drill through the blocks.

Rectangle blocks are ordinary blocks that can be destroyed fairly quickly. Spike blocks are tough blocks that require some time to destroy.

You can move left and right by pressing the left and right d-pad buttons (left and right arrow keys on the keyboard).

You can use special actions by pressing the B button (the "x" key on the keyboard).  This allows you to jump or destroy blocks to your left and right.

The current tool you equip is shown on the bottom right of the game screen as indicated by the red arrow.

When you have the destroy action equipped, you can press the action button to destroy blocks to your left and right.

When you have the jump action equipped, you can press the action button to jump. You can jump twice.

You can change the equipped action by pressing the select button (the "backspace" key on the keyboard).

The goal of Mr. Drill is to drill to the deepest depth possible before the time runs out. The deepest depth you can drill to is 999 meters.

Along the way, you'll encounter power-ups and coins. It's a good idea to collect these items when you can.

Coins serves as currency that you can collect and use when starting a new gameplay. Coins will also help you increase your overall score.

 In the main menu, you can increase your starting time by buying more time (5 coins = 10 seconds up to 180 seconds) or upgrading your drill so that it can destroy blocks faster (20 coins = 1 upgrade level).

The time collectibles increase your game time by 5 seconds.

By collecting enough energy power-up, you will enter the super driller mode where you can easily destroy any blocks.  Super driller mode lasts for 5 seconds and you cannot collect more energy power-ups while in super driller mode.

The game will stop once you've run out of time or reach a depth of 999 meters. You will then receive your score. If your score is higher than any previous score you've had, the score will be recorded and displayed on the main menu as your high score.

And that is all there is to the game. I hope you enjoy the game. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you for reading and playing the game. 

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