Gameplay Explanation

Tutorial is planned to be added later in the game. Refer to this post for gameplay explanation.

Regarding gameplay length

Cityscapers is a minimalistic city building/management game that is divided into terms (i.e. turns). Each turns last for 1 minute. You can adjust the length of your gameplay as you start the game by adjusting the term length. Approximate gameplay length for one complete session is around 15 to 48 minutes (min. 15 terms, max. 48 terms)

Regarding buildings

Some buildings are locked. They will be gradually unlocked as you progress.

Regarding economy

At the end of each term, your city's fund will be added or subtracted based on your income and expenses. As your city grows, so will your expenses.

Commercial buildings are the city's source of income. Commercial buildings generate revenues that will be collected at the end of each term. As such, plan your finance carefully every term.

Plan your commercial building's placement. To maximize revenue generated by commercial buildings, place residential buildings around commercial buildings.

The more residential buildings you place around a commercial building, the higher the revenue that will be generated from that commercial building.

Regarding rewards and challenges

At the end of each term, you will receive either rewards or challenges card that will affect your gameplay represented by cards.

The rewards can be in the form of benefits such as medical outreach which is a purchasable card that can increase your city's health stats slightly.

Challenges include disasters such as flu outbreak that causes your city to lose health stats.

When you obtain rewards at the end of the term, you can alternatively skip choosing a reward to gain credits that will grow as your city grows.


Regarding end of session and gameplay goal

If your population drops to or remain 0 or if your city fund is below 0, you will receive a strike at the end of a term. If you collected three strikes, you will get a gameover.

If you completed a gameplay session, you will receive additional credits calculated based on your gameplay during the session. This can help boost you on your next gameplay. Your gameplay record (e.g. highest population) will be recorded as well.

There is no clear goal in Cityscapers. Instead, you can define your own goal for your game. But I would like to see if someone can achieve one million population for their city. If you are able to reach one million population, screenshot your achievement and place them in the comment section.

Regarding save data

Unfortunately, the browser version will not be able to save your gameplay record. Profile data can be saved when playing on the Windows, Linux, and Mac application.

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57 days ago

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